Seizure disorder, all about seizure, difference between sizure and epilepsy, complications, preventions, medication, effects, diagnosis, management.
Seizure disorder and epilepsy are two couples of diseases that have affect thousands to millions of individuals all over the world and have causes a pandemic over the individuals health freedom. seizure disorder can be described or defined with some certain features such as a sudden burst of electrical activities around the Brain and slow down the activity of the brain, the brain being affected with an electrical activities.

What is seizure?
Seizure is known as an uncontrollable burst of electric shock around the brain which may lead the brain to unconsciousness and including change in behavior, feelings and movement
Difference between seizure and epilepsy
Seizure disorder is as a result of electrical shock or current burst in the Brain which make the victim to be unconscious for a couple of time usually 40 seconds to 5 minutes but when seizure disorder occur twice or more in 24 hours it is said to be epilepsy. Therefore the recurrent of seizure result to epilepsy.
Epilepsy is described as a neurological malfunction of the Brain characterized by numerous recurrent of seizure or electrical burst in the brain stem. Epilepsy is a neurogical condition that involves the brain which make people or victims supcetible to having recurrent unprovoked seizures.
• Types of seizure
seizures are categorized into four major part which are :
- Generalized seizures
- Focal seizures
- Generalized and focal seizures
- Unknown if generalized or focal seizures
Generalized seizure : generalized seizure is a type of seizure that take place all part of the brain whereby there is a electric burst all over the brain cavity. Generalized seizures is sub divided into two parts such as follows:
- Generalized motor seizure : (grand-mal seizure) generalized motor seizures also known as grand-mal seizure is a sub-type of seizure that occur all over the brain and tends the victim to be in a continuous motion. this type of seizure aid the victim to be in a serious movement that can results to falling, burnts and other deadly disasters
- Generalized non-motor seizure (petit-mal) : this kind of seizure whereby the victim is constantly stabled in a specific po duty and unable to walk but only smashing it lips and blinking of eyes and sometimes there is stiffness of the fingers and strange movement of the finger and the neck.
Generalized non-motor seuzure is sometimes known as petit-mal seizures where the patient is hinder or restricted from walking but stable performance of the internal body structures such as lips smashing, grinding of the teeth and blinking of eyes stiffness of the neck or fingers and sometimes present of traumatic behavior.
2. Focal Seizure : Focal seizures has to do with one part of the brain. In focal seizures one part of the brain is affected or the brain cells whereby the other side will be left unaffected.
Focal seizure comes in four types, which are as follows:
- Focal aware seizure
- Focal impaired awareness seizure
- Focal motor seizures
- Focal non-motor seizures
- Focal aware seizure: in focal aware seizures the victim will undergo some electrical shock on one part of the brain and he or she will be aware of the seizures action. In this field of seizure, it is also called partial seizure where the patient or the victim is aware of the action and usually involve the shrink of the lips or smashing of the teeth and some partial vibrations will take place on the internal part of the body due to the effected cell on the brain. This kind of seizure is also known as simple partial seizures
- Focal impaired awesomeness seizures: in this type of seizure the victim will be unaware of his or her actions and also the victims may probably be on an unconscious state due to burst of shock on the brain cells
Again we have the following types of seizure under generalized seizure or when we talk about generalized seizure
(a) Myoclonic seizures: Myoclonic seizures consist of sudden body or limb jerks that can involve the arms, head and neck. The spasms occur on both sides of the body in clusters, or in combinations especially in the morning. When these seizures develop in adolescence along with tonic-clonic seizures, they are part of a syndrome called juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. People can also have myoclonic seizures as part of other epilepsy related-conditions.
(b). Tonic and Atonic Seizures (“Drop Attacks”): Some people, usually those with multiple brain injuries and intellectual disability, have tonic seizures consisting of sudden stiffness in the arms and body, which can cause falls and injuries. Many persons with tonic seizures have a syndrome called Lennox Gastaut syndrome. (LGS) This condition may involve intellectual disability, such as brain loss multiple seizure types including tonic seizures. People with Lennox Gastaut syndrome can have a distinctive electroencophalograph (EEG) pattern called slow spike and wave.
iii. Focal motor seizures: in this field of seizures the victim will be in serious motion with proper maintenance and retain of focus due to the neurogical effects on the brain which might tender the victim to be in a negative state and behave abnormal during the moment.
Focal seizure will make the victim to be in a motion in a straight as the case may be and does not have any impact of deducing it motion or even stop until the life span of the seizure is exhausted
iv. Focal non-motor seizure: in this case the victim will be constantly stable in a particular position and focus in a specific angle because the neurological fault that arise on the brain have tend the patient to be in the state where it is impossible for the patient to smash its lips
3. GENEARLIZED AND FOCAL SEIZURE: Focal onset seizures start in one area and can spread across the brain and cause mild or severe symptoms, depending on how the electrical discharges spread. Generalized seizures can start as focal seizures that spread to both sides of the brain.
In a point of view a seizure can starts as focal and later generate to type of seizure known as generalized seizure.
In focal seizure, it have the ability to affect one hemisphere of the brain but at a certain time it circulate and accumulate the whole brain leading to generalized seizure at that moment. Therefore this mode of display have tend the seizure types to be a generalized and focal seizure.
4. UNKNOWN GENERALIZED OR FOCAL SEIZURE: A seizure is said to be unknown generalized or focal when the condition can not be determined or detected by the medical professional in charge.
• Causes of seizure
Sometimes or in most cases seizures may be caused or bring up by:
A high fever, an infection of the brain such as trauma, dementia and so on, severe general illness of the body, and also is a genetic caused diseases lack of sleep also causes that sometimes, when there is low blood sodium in the body, certain medicines that treat pain can also be contraindicated to that, smoking active brain injury, such as head trauma, and so on.
Furthermore seizure can also be causes by birth trauma Congenital in terms of infant (present at birth) problems and again alcohol or drugs can also cause it in terms of adult. Other possible causes of seizures may include: Brain tumor. Neurological problems. Drug withdrawal(i.e planning to leave drugs that is not suitable for your health recently)
Subsequently, millions of people with seizure have no causes, whereby their doctors is not being able to detect the causes of their seizure or even know what type of seizure is and this have lead to a long life threatening diseases world wide due to it unknown features, this kind of seizures is called "unknown generalized or focal seizure"
• Effects of seizure
In this topic we will be discussing about the effect of seizures to the body and to the brain and also commemorate it difference to the body and the heart, the effect of seizures widely have done a greater harm to the beings by it neurogical seizures it undergo in the brain of individuals. Some research suggests that uncontrolled seizures can lead to losses in visual memory, attention, problem solving, and perception, while other studies suggest that seizures' relationship to cognitive function is variable, because seizures are symptoms of an underlying condition.
• Complications of seizure
complications, there are numerous complications that is involve that trigger every patient to uncomfortable health services.
Complications may include, Difficulty learning, breathing in food or saliva into the lungs during a seizure, which can cause aspiration pneumonia to the human health and make the patient to have a lungs problem such as pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (Pneumonia) or cardiomyopathy.
Injury from falls, bumps, self-inflicted bites, driving or operating machinery during a seizure is also a possible compilications that is present in seizure, permanent brain damage (stroke or other damage)
• Management of seizure
The management on seizure disorder are so numerous that can manage and calm down the patient to a normal state immediately.
Therefore the First-aid management of seizures is written below which aid the patient to undergo a long term seizure, loosen any tight clothing or restraints that he or she is wearing. Place something soft under their head. Stay with the person and reassure them. Do not put anything in their mouth and do not restrain them.
The management strategies of medication resistant epilepsy fall into three main groups: anti-seizure medications, epilepsy surgery, and alternative treatment strategies which includes vagus nerve stimulation, ketogenic diet, and lifestyle changes will also help in managing seizure
◼ Prevention of seizure disorder
In this topic we will be discussing on how we can prevent seizure disorder. There are numerous way in preventing seizure disorder which are as follows Take your medication as prescribed,a void consuming alcohol, avoid substance misuse, practice stress management, Maintain a sleep schedule, keep a consistent meal schedule, avoid flashing lights, protect yourself from head injuries.
All this measure can aid or prevent us from all kind of prolonged seizures that may hinder our brain from discomfort, furthermore Some people can prevent seizures by avoiding their triggers such as: flashing or flickering lights. lack of sleep and reducing of stress.
• Diagnosis of seizure disorder
The word ''diagnosis" means test. The test require for epilpesy is based on the use of EEG to perform the tested needed.
They may be having a test to check your brain activity called an electroencephalogram (EEG), or a brain scan to look for any problem in your brain. But if these tests do not show anything, it's still possible you have epilepsy, and you may be diagnosed just based on your symptoms or the features of seizure that is seen or detected.
In this test, electrodes attached to your scalp record the electrical activity of your brain. The electrical activity shows up as wavy lines on an EEG recording. The EEG may reveal a pattern that tells whether a seizure is likely to occur again.
Furthermore, getting a diagnosis is not always easy as there is no single test that can diagnose seizure . If there is a possibility that you have seizure disorder, NICE recommends that you are referred to a specialist, (a doctor who is trained in diagnosing and treating epilepsy) within two weeks of occurance of the seizure.
• Medication for seizure disorder
Looking at this phase of study now, seizure disorder is majorly treated by a medical professioner by surgery, devices or dietary changes.
Therefore, there are also possible medications or drugs that can be suitable for the disesas "seizure". It is known that with the taken of brand of drugs known as anticonvulsant drugs will possibly deduce the risk at which seizure display on the brain, anticonvulsant drugs such as
- Carbamazepin tablets
- Levetracetam tablet
- Zonisamide tablet
- Furesemide
- Valproic acid derivates
- Toperamate
- Oxycarbamazepine
And other anticonvulsant drugs with definitely aid the risk at which seizures display
• Conclusion
Seizure disorder is a deadly disease that have find a way to affect numerous individuals and it has termed to be toxoc to the health. Seizure disorder have the following features that is stated above and it can also be cured if the guidline above is adhered to, furthermore, seizure is a disease that can not be overlooked and take for granted when it occurs for the first time due to generalized feature that it posses.